T-QT is a development board whose main control chip is ESP32-S3. It is equipped with a 0.85-inch LCD color screen and two programmable buttons. 3D files for a case has been provided. github
//scad.fed.wiki/assets/viewstl/viewstl.html?stl=http://scad.fed.wiki/assets/pages/lilygo-t-qt-cover/exploded-diagram.stl HEIGHT 370
I tried printing these parts but found they did not fit together well. Close fitting parts were not printed with enough outside tolerance and this was compounded by careless placement requiring excessive support material incompletely removed.
module a() {import("086_T-QT_COV-A09.stl");} module b() {import("087_T-QT_COV-B09.stl");} module c() {import("088_T-QT_COV-C08.stl");} translate([0,0,-00]) a(); translate([0,0,-15]) c(); translate([0,0,-20]) b();