I'd love to hook my iPhone camera up to my Manfrotto compound universal arm. They use an axle in block mechanism where a flat side on the axle keeps it from turning once tightened into place. site
I throw together a simple frame and start taking axle measurements while the frame test prints.
15.75 mm outer axle 4.15 mm outer axle retainer 11.75 mm inner axle 17.0 mm inner axle run 11.1 mm on inner axle flat 10.3 mm outer axle shoulder
//scad.fed.wiki/assets/viewstl/viewstl.html?stl=http://scad.fed.wiki/assets/manfrotto-adapter/iphone.stl HEIGHT 370
The sharp corners make this unpleasant to hold. I'll round those out once I prove the design to be sufficiently rigid.
Adapter installed.
I designed the frame and axle independently. Now to join them. The frame was flexible enough to allow easy insertion but probably not strong enough to attach the axle without further reinforcement. My first thought was to add a lot of material in the frame center but chose to pinch the phone's edge instead.
With my phone installed in the arm I had to use my aging laptop's camera to shoot a picture. I used Photo Booth which I just now noticed reversed the image left to right.
New phone needs a new adapter. Fortunately height, width and thickness were variables.
Model S and model XS compared.
The new print could be improved. Height dimension could be shortened by mm or so removing slop holding the phone. Measure more carefully. Better corner design could make support removal from corners easier.
Phone adapter in use ready for screen sharing.
My son helped me configure the old c2.com's iptables for its new life as a home computer. Only the console monitor was working so we screen shared over apple facetime using this newly fabricated phone holder.
The http://c2.com server to be virtualized after 28 years of service. site