Microphone Hinge

I am fabricating a replacement for a broken hinge in a desk microphone stand. I've not operated voice modes since it was broken years ago. I saved the pieces from which I can now construct a replacement. pdf

Design complete part while printing and refining isolated regions.

This project ran into trouble. I found it difficult to model the part because it had so many facets. I also had trouble fully disassembling the microphone as required to install a replacement hinge. Six months pass. Wayne helps me get the mic apart so I restart.

I've realized that much of the complexity comes from injection molding practices that lead to original part weakness I can avoid. I start over, first modeling the body to which the hinge mates. This I will subtract from my part to get a perfect fit.

//scad.fed.wiki/assets/viewstl/viewstl.html?stl=http://scad.fed.wiki/assets/microphone-hinge/platform.stl HEIGHT 370

I can see where my original model was out of control but still working well enough. I copied over the stand-facing parts to complete the repair. expand

Operation restored, now on 10m fm as k9ox.
